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An Enlightened Revolution | A United Front For Change

The Great Energy Movement was formed in the summer of 2020, amidst the turmoil of COVID-19 and the unfolding events happening worldwide. With everyone trapped in their houses, and in their minds, we saw a need to uplift the community and shine a light in the darkness. What began as a few hours of intimate, honest conversation turned into a demand for more safe spaces to exist and be human in. With the love and support we received from the community, we evolved into a movement.

Today, The G.E.M is a community based initiative to be the change we wish to see in the world. We provide spaces for healing with our monthly series ‘Conversations in the Dark’, in partnership with Smudged Life Energy Wellness. We also speak truth to power with our podcast. As we continue to grow, our resources and offerings will too. Know – we care and we stand on our drive to make a difference and be a light in a world clouded by darkness.




Wellness Coordinator